کتگوری: استادان
Thought and Political Belief of Khawarijs
محقق: عصمت الله عطیش جاوید راحل
ژورنال: Research Journal of Religious
شماره: شماره 2 سال 2024
لینک: لینک مقاله
تاریخ: 30-10-2024
The events after the death of the Prophet of Islam started the division of different
sects. But the first sect that emerged based on the rebellion against the Islamic
society and the caliphate of Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the Khawarij group. This arose
after the battle of Safin between Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiyah ibn Abi Safyan
in protest against the arbitration of the judges. At first, this sect had political
demands and their opponents were strongly excommunicated from the point of
view of belief, which they considered obligatory to kill, but later, this group was
in conflict with the consensus of Muslims in terms of belief and thought. They
called their religious and political opponents infidels and considered killing them
obligatory. Kharijites were subject to the political conditions of Ali's caliphate,
after which they suffered internal divisions.